Jeff Raflik Photography's
Early trip to Marsh Haven Nature Center - March 15, 2012
NOTE: MHNC does not re-open for the 2012 season until April 14
A friend, and his 3-year old son, joined me for an early visit to the Marsh Haven Nature Center, to see what might be showing
up in this unseasonably warm weather.
There wasn't much to see in the woods on the east end, but as we got back to our cars, we could see three redtail hawks over
the woods, with some appearent territorial issues. It turned out to be the two resident adults appearently chasing away one of
last years offspring, before raising this years batch. The immature (above) got rather close to us over the parking lot.
From the parking lot, we headed west to the small lake, where we immediatly saw a pair of Trumpeter Swans. One was sleeping
on a Muskrat hut, while the other circled around, appearently watching for danger. The all-white birds had the classic rust-colored
heads from the iron in the water.
I got the above shot of the two swans, two Canada Geese, and a Painted Turtle near bottom center (we saw a total of two). We
also got good looks at a Turkey Vulture.
To learn more about the Marsh Haven Nature Center, visit their website at
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