Because this nest is on private property, very close to some houses, I decided not to disclose the exact location. I met a couple of the locals, and they are very nice people, very tolerant of a few photographers and eagle fans, but heavy traffic can easily become an issue, in an otherwise, very quiet neighborhood. If you happen to find it, please be considerate of the locals... and the eagles!

March 3, 2006 - A couple wide-angle views of the area surrounding the nest.

Just before 2:00, I was tracking one of them soaring high above the shoreline, just to the north. He suddenly cut, and dove after something, but pulled back just before getting to the water. Then, just before 3:00, bringing stick back. I wish they would add them to the right side of the nest so my pictures wouldn't look crooked.

March 4, 2006 - When I got there at 10:20, one was sitting just outside the nest, while the head of the one sitting on the eggs, is barely visable over the edge. At 12:15, one came back with a fish, and landed half way between the nest and the ground.

April 8, 2006 - At 12:40, while one was attending the young in the nest, the second adult landed right next to it, at which time, they both started squaking rather persistantly. It wasn't until I saw the one looking up, that I saw a third eagle, an immature just starting to get its adult pattern (4 years old?) flying in circles, directly overhead. He soared to a very high altitude, before finally moving on to the north.

A few more shots I got today. They are definetly attending young, rather than sitting on eggs, but apparently, they are not big enough to peak over the edge of the nest yet.

April 15, 2006 - A couple soaring shots, 10:57, and 12:25, and bringing home a fish at 11:42

...and on the 8TH day, God said "Let there be eagles"... and there was... and the world was good.



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